Does Oneiros Dream?


Which "pooling" do you choose?

In the main "pooling" method, there is max pooling.If the background in a figure is almost uniform, "Max pooling" must be best practice.Is that right?I tried the following. 1. Conv pooling 2. Conv pooling and max pooling 3. max poolingThe …

The Best Develop Environment for Machine Learning

This is oneiroi. Recently I started machine learning (Mainly "deep learning") so I will explain best develop environment."conda" is best.1. Install "conda" from pyenv ( Install one of the following: conda, mini-conda, anaconda )2. Install …

File search system in Pico CMS.

I have developed file search plugin in Pico CMS.hshintaro575/

How to use OpenGL for OSX

Difference by the OS of OpenGL is below.Mac: #include <GLUT/glut.h> #include <OpenGL/gl.h>Windows & Linux: #include <GL/glut.h> #include <GL/gl.h>ex. #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <GLUT/glut.h> #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #else #include <GL/glut.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #endif /* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, …</gl/gl.h></gl/glut.h></opengl/gl.h></glut/glut.h></gl/gl.h></gl/glut.h></opengl/gl.h></glut/glut.h>

CentOS + Unicron + Ruby on Rails + Nginx

Passenger + Apache + Ruby on Rails is not very good. In particular there is a difference in performance.Therefore, I constructed CentOS + Unicron + Ruby on Rails + Nginx. Incidentally, the performance was not much difference : )Work are th…


I will write the following articles soon.・MITM ATTACK (Linux / Kali / Python) ・Polish Notation using binary tree (Ruby) ・Social game tutorial (C# / Unity) ・VIM Editor ・Cake PHP tutorial ・etc...

Data structure alignment

I was suffering with data structure alignment. But, I have found "#pragma pack(1)".argument: 1~16. It can be packed a element of memory.ex: #ifndef __ETH_H__ #define __ETH_H__ #include <iostream> class foo{ public: #pragma pack(1) struct sc{ ushort </iostream>…

Implementation of Pcap.

Implementation of Frame was hard. I want a good library of Frame.The following code of Frame. // Ethernet header struct ethernet { u_char ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_char ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; u_short ether_type; }; void Int2IPAd…

C function, local variables error


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!error code: char * func(){ char c[80] return c; }if char*, function return only array(head) pointer. therefore, data (place) is delete. because local variable. correct: void func(char *c){ c[0] = "a"; return; }Actually,…

C char array

Sizeof of "Pointer Char = char *c" and "Array Char = char c" are different.In the case of char*c, return byte of array.vice versa char c, return pointer size.The following experiment: #include <stdio.h> void func( char* ary, char list[] ) { printf(</stdio.h>…

Automation of Compile with ruby

A general procedure of programming is as follows. Coding -> make -> execution.This is troublesome. So, I would like to automate this.The following program detects a update of a file and carries out make -> execution automatically. require …

Programming with pcap(libpcap) Tutorial

=Environment=OSX Yosemite(10.10.x) Terminal (default) gcc make =Confirmation of pcap=1. Open Terminal open default terminal 2. Check Pcap (libpcap) Firest make sure you have the latest Pcap (libpcap) installed on your OSX. $ man pcap PCAP(…


Hello, my name is Oneiroi. It's a pleasure to meet you. ENGRISSYU no benkyou no tameni hajime mashita. Do - Zo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu :)